All across America, brain-dead news anchors are turning to each other and saying "Oh, look! There's a war protest! Why didn't we know about this before?"
For months now, there has been a global protest of the proposed war against Iraq. There have been numerous anti-war rallies and peace marches, peace flags are flying throughout the world, and activists have strong messages. But if you get your news from television or from the major newspapers, then you don't have any idea that millions of people oppose the White House's insane action against the people of Iraq.
Today is the biggest day of all for the the movement, with millions of people all over the world marching against the war. Even CNN will be forced to acknowledge the event.
In case you're a bit confused, millions of people oppose Bush's war for these reasons:
It is a transparently crude (no pun intended) way for the president to pay back the millions and millions of dollars oil companies paid to put him in office.
It will de-stabilize the Middle East, creating god-knows-what kind of destruction, especially for Bush's "friends" in Israel.
It will distract Americans, whose jobs, health care, and civil liberties are being taken away at an ever-increasing rate.
It will bring terrorists out of the woodwork to attack us.
It will satisfy the right-wing religious component who believes it is time we dealt with the Armies of Allah.
It is based on lies. To say the proposed war is based on lies is not to say that Saddam Hussein is not evil, but telling lies is not a sound way to establish commitment to a cause.
It is opposed by many of our major allies.
There is no reason to believe that the White House will "spare" the citizens of Iraq from death and destruction. The first Bush White House said the same thing about the Gulf War, and it turned out to be a collosal lie.
If you are not marching today, there is something even more important that you can do: You can eduate yourself about what is going on in America. But don't wait too long. Not only is there a proposed war against Iraq--there is also a war being waged against you.