Tuesday, February 11, 2003

If you thought the Patriot Act was great, you're going to love Patriot Act II. Remember the Patriot Act, that most frightening of bills that your senators and congresspeople blithely voted into law? That's the one that gave us expanded surveillance with reduced checks and balances, nationwide roving wiretaps, procurement of information from people's ISP's, and wiretaps without probable cause.

Now the government has proposed part II of the Patriot Act. Under this part of the law, surveillance would be expanded even more, and without judicial oversight. It also would permit secret arrests, new death penalties, and the right of the government to take away someone's citizenship for belonging to an unfavored group.

Not hearing about it on the news, are you? Not seeing it in your newspaper, either, I'll bet. But it's coming soon to an America near you if you don't demand that your representatives refuse to pass it. They passed the original Patriot Act without batting an eye, remember?