Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How China prepares for the Olympics

I was just visiting one of my favorite blogs, After Atalanta, and after I made a comment on a post about Chinese women athletes and the Olympics, it occurred to me that maybe a lot of people are not familiar with one of China's "preparation for the Olympics" projects: Officials have gone door to door and killed about 50,000 "superfluous" pet dogs, beating them to death in front of their people.

There has not been a peep out of the IOC about this. Or the U.S. government. Business as usual. I thought it was the most disgusting news story of 2006. The Chinese government will rave about its "successful" Olympic hosting, I'm sure.

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I had not heard of this. What is the rationale offered?
I knew about, during the bid process, protests due to China's human rights violations (which I thought the US had very little ground in bringing given its own stellar history) but nothing about animal abuse.

By Blogger ken, at 8:29 AM  

The alleged rationale was that there were too many animals on the street and out and about, which would not look good to visitors. So they killed them.

By Blogger Diane, at 8:38 AM  

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