Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Talk about a double standard

Pinko Feminist Hellcat makes the point that a woman has no right whatsoever to defend herself against a man's unwanted touches, but a man has the right to beat up or even kill a gay man who hits on him (and I'll add to that "who he perceives is hitting on him"). How right she is.

In my experience, most of the men whom I've heard complain that they were being hit on by gay men were not individuals--trust me--whom any gay man worth his salt would even look at, much less hit on. There is often a whole lot of projection going on. And the few who actually are hit on make me want to take out a big old violin and play a sad, sad song because even those overtures, as described, are not nearly as crass as the ones women and girls have to put up with every day.