Nothing is the same since Katrina
Katrina left hundreds of trees either demolished or with weak root systems. Then we had a long period of no rain, and the result is that pine beetles of every variety have had a field day. They have already desroyed ten trees in our yard, and they are making their way across the parish.
We also have no more curbside recycle pickup, and even worse, no more recycling at all of anything but newspapers. Tossing aluminum cans, bottles and jars, and plastic containers is not something that comes natural to us, and I cringe every time I have to do it.
In my parish, retail outlets still struggle to find employees, so some of them are open less often than before the storm.
Of course, there are still many people living in trailers and people who have never even been given a FEMA trailer. They are still waiting.
Meanwhile, the Army Corps of Engineers continues to consult on levee repair, hold up work, and generally act as though it did not cause the deaths of thousands of people and animals, and the destruction of hundreds of houses and businesses.
We also have no more curbside recycle pickup, and even worse, no more recycling at all of anything but newspapers. Tossing aluminum cans, bottles and jars, and plastic containers is not something that comes natural to us, and I cringe every time I have to do it.
In my parish, retail outlets still struggle to find employees, so some of them are open less often than before the storm.
Of course, there are still many people living in trailers and people who have never even been given a FEMA trailer. They are still waiting.
Meanwhile, the Army Corps of Engineers continues to consult on levee repair, hold up work, and generally act as though it did not cause the deaths of thousands of people and animals, and the destruction of hundreds of houses and businesses.
Why no recycling? Is there any reason for this, other than lack of resources?
Anonymous, at
4:14 AM
The pickup companies said there was no longer any demand for two of the items--plastic and glass. Aluminum and paper are needed, but the haulers aren't seeing any benefit in picking it up. I imagine Katrina was the perfect excuse for them to stop all of it.
Diane, at
1:24 PM
مركز صيانة سيمنس فى مصر عندها تخضفيات على قطع الغيار لمدة 6 شهور وعندهم مهندسين متخصصون فى صيانة اجهزة سيمنس
صيانة سيمنس
رقم صيانة سيمنس
صيانةغسالات سيمنس
صيانةثلاجات سيمنس
صيانةسخانات سيمنس
صيانةتكييفات سيمنس
صيانة سيمنس خدمة عملاء
صيانة سيمنس الخط الساخن
صيانة سيمنس مصر
صيانة سيمنس بالقاهرة
ارقام صيانة سيمنس
توكيل صيانة سيمنس
شركة سيمنس
مبيعات يونيون اير
تكييف يونيون اير 1,5 حصان
Anonymous, at
9:46 AM
نقوم نيابة عن الشركات والمؤسسات والافراد بتسجيل علاماتهم التجارية المميزة لدى وزارة التجارة في السعودية وأكثر من 80 دوله حول العالم بواسطة شركائنا،
تسجيل علامة تجارية
محامي, at
8:19 AM
نقوم نيابة عن الشركات والمؤسسات والافراد بتسجيل علاماتهم التجارية المميزة لدى وزارة التجارة في السعودية وأكثر من 80 دوله حول العالم بواسطة شركائنا،
تسجيل علامة تجارية
يقوم المكتب في تمثيل المنشآت في الاعتراض على منع تسجيل العلامات التجارية او تمثلها في الدعاوى ضد حالات التزوير او التعدي او الاستخدام الغير مصرح به
كما يقوم المكتب بتقديم خدمات المشورة المتعلقة بترخيص استخدام العلامات التجارية وصياغة العقود القانونية الحاكمة لذلك
في حال رغبت باتخاذ إجراء معين، فإن فريق المحامين في مكتب السلامه للمحاماه ذوي الخبرة في مجال الملكية الفكرية على أتم الاستعداد لمساعدتك.
تسجيل العلامة التجارية, at
8:23 AM
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