Monday, April 24, 2006

"Moral" pharmacists in Washington put women at risk

From feministing comes news of pharmacists in Washington refusing to fill prescriptions for abortion-related antibiotics. Someone at a Seattle pharmacy said she was "morally unable" to fill the prescription. In Yakima, a patient at a family planning clinic was told by a Safeway pharmacist that she didn't need her prescribed pregnancy-related vitamins "if she wasn't pregnant."

What I want to know (other than the obvious question: What the hell business is it of yours to make decisions about my body?) is what becomes of the pharmacist's "morality" if the patient does not get her antibiotics and is hospitalized for an infection? This is a strange sort of medical morality that is willing to take chances with a patient's health and safety. What pharmacy school do they teach that in? I have seen the pharmacists' code of ethics, and every one of these "moral" pharmacists is in violation of it, yet the pharmacy boards are not suspending anyone's license. I hope that--in addition to putting pressure on the stores where these episodes occur--patients will start putting pressure on licensing boards.


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