Friday, March 17, 2006

We are not men, we are not men, we are not men, we are not...

I fully expected the Prime Minister of Ireland to call our Congresspeople "Congressmen." And, sadly, I have become accustomed to men of both parties calling Sen. Collins "Madame Chairman." But even I was thrown for a loop, while checking facts for my piece on Bella Abzug, to see that the women's history section of, calls her a "congressman."


What really bugs me is people who use "chairman" for a man and "chairperson" or "chair" for a woman. Ugh.

By Blogger Fred Vincy, at 11:56 AM  

That drives me crazy, too, Fred.

By the way, I got the thing changed.

By Blogger Diane, at 12:56 PM  

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