Tuesday, February 21, 2006

States move to ban gay adoption--what next?

Sixteen states have campaigns going to ban gay adoption, and these campaigns are being viewed as the next "natural" step after banning gay marriage. If banning adoption is the next logical step, then we can be assured there will be a step after that, too. Will there be a movement to ban gay teachers and gay childcare workers? My guess is that there will be.

Will these states also ban adoption by bisexual couples? What if one member of a couple is heterosexual, which is often the case? Oh, it gets so confusing, this banning of everything. Look at Mississippi: In that state, if you are gay, you can adopt a child unless you have a partner. If you are gay in a stable relationship, you are not allowed to adopt.

Of the thousands who are going to rally in march in favor of banning gay adoption, how many have adopted children?


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