Friday, February 03, 2006

"I think it glorifies Satan in some way"

That's what a Bennett, Colorado parent said upon learning that an elementary school teacher showed first, second, and third graders a video about the opera Faust to her students. The video series, Who's Afraid of Opera? features Dame Joan Sutherland and some puppets, who have a discussion of Gounod's opera.

The superintendent of schools has declared that the teacher, Tresa Waggoner, was wrong to show the video to students that young, and the teacher has been accused of being a Satan worshipper, of course. Waggoner plans to relocate soon, presumably someplace where she can make child sacrifices and engage in s&m orgies.


Who's Afraid of Opera?

I guess we know the answer to that question, don't we?

By Blogger Auguste, at 3:03 PM  

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