Friday, December 09, 2005

How quickly context flies out the window

This morning on C-Span's "Washington Journal," U.S. soldiers who had been to Iraq were invited to call in and talk about things they had seen that perhaps the rest of us had not heard about. They reported battles won, help given to communities, and the existence of electrical power. One man said the media needs to concentrate more on Halliburton and the many problems of reconstruction. A woman said that everything the U.S. military rebuilds is immediately torn down again by Iraquis.

The overall assessment was that media coverage was unfairly negative. Putting aside for a moment my own, highly unpopular perspective, which is that all war is evil and unnecessary--there still remains the problem that no one can "win" an illegal war. What difference does it make if all of the insurgents are crushed and the entire country is rebuilt (which, by the way, is not going to happen), if the entire murderous, costly, distracting, enemy-attracting event was undertaken on false pretenses?

Winning or losing this war is irrelevant. The only issue worth discussing is our invasion of a country based on lies, greed, and the whims of PNAC.


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