Monday, December 12, 2005

Fake patriotism can kill in more ways than you think

If I were ever going to have an auto accident, it would have been about 45 minutes ago, when I was trying to leave the pit of congestion known as my neighborhood. We have no traffic light, so sometimes, you have to sit in your car for a long time and wait for an opportunity to dart into the turn lane. As I was sitting at the intersection, I saw a most incredible thing: A car passed by and turned left onto the street that intersects on the other side of the highway. It was a small vehicle, like the type almost everyone has in Europe. The bottom half was painted red, there were broad white stripes wrapped around the middle, and yes--the top half was blue with white stars. On the back was painted in white: God Bless America.

I assumed this was some kind of promotional vehicle and was curious to know what it was promoting. I didn't see anything on the right side of the car, but I got to have a second look when the driver turned around and came back, in order to make a right turn back onto the highway. There was nothing printed on the left side, either. This was, in other words, just someone's car. I wish I had a photograph of it so I could show my readers how totally freakish it was, despite its bold, colorful design.

The driver appeared to be not too old, so I wonder why he isn't fighting in Iraq.


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