No one seems to care about either of them
This morning, a Washington Post reporter was on CNN saying that in much of Iraq, there was still no power, people were homeless, and they had lost their jobs. If you substitute the word "New Orleans" for "Iraq," it rings just as true. The only difference is that at least the Bush administration didn't bomb New Orleans to smithereens before not rebuilding it.
Yes, But this New Orleanean got to pay $40,000 in taxes to a government that deserts its own citizens.
Unknown, at
10:10 PM
Maybe Bush and his whackers didn't bomb NO, but they allowed enviornmentally destructive acts that might have caused the levy to break, the water to collect, and all other things that happened. In addition, they didn't get in any hurry to see that those poor people were rescued. IN fact, they let hundreds die before they actually called in the troops to do a search and rescue. How sad is that? One of my class mates is from NO, and she went home for the holiday and came back in tears. In her neighborhood, there were only a few people left. Her mother's house was still a mess and they had to have their family meet at a rental property far away from their home. She is still in tears. She said that her mother kept telling her everything was okay and that made it okay to stay in graduate school, but then she went home and saw that every thing isn't okay and that her mother is living hand to mouth. I suggested bringing her mother here, but she said her mother will never leave NO. Wow, what a thing to have to contend with while writing all these big assed papers.
zelda1, at
5:57 AM
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