Tom Wolfe shows his true colors
Literary icon Tom Wolfe, interviewed on "Real Time" tonight, revealed his nostalgia for the "good old days" when young men asked young women out on dates and paid for the dates. Though he allowed that "it might be better" for the females that they don't "have to wait by the phone," it was obvious that he thought the old arrangement was a good one. It just goes to show you that having a literary mind doesn't mean having an open mind.
Neither Bill Maher nor his panel said anything about Wolfe's sexist remarks.
Neither Bill Maher nor his panel said anything about Wolfe's sexist remarks.
Those good ole days when social events for girls and young women were totally controlled by the male population. Why if a boy didn't ask the girl out, well her life was ruined and she either went with a bunch of other loser girls or stayed home and cried. I cringe at going back to those days, in fact, recently a class mate was showing me her senior pictures and in the group were pictures of her prom. Five chicks rented a long car and they dressed up and went alone and danced together and asked guys to dance and had a blast. So much more fun than my senior prom...wait, I refused to go to mine because they said the girls had to wear a formal and I'm allergic to that itchy material so I blew it off. Yep, I did, I was beyond my time.
zelda1, at
6:21 AM
Well, I'm not surprised at all, having read Tom Wolfe's novel, "Bonfire of the Vanities." I honestly hated that book. However, I read it years ago, so I'd probably hate it even more, now.
And Maher is about as misogynist as it gets, even though I love his show. I have stopped expecting any better from him, sadly enough. He gets more bitter as he ages. Don't know what the problem is, maybe it's the fact he's friends with Ann Coulter.
Unknown, at
6:34 PM
Diane, I suspected this, having seen an interview w/ him during his book tour for the _Charlotte Simmons_ book. It made me curious to read the book, not because it was well-reviewed or he had something terribly compelling to say, but because he seemed to find the sexual goings-on so distasteful. I couldn't tell if he was unnerved, repulsed, or both.
Anonymous, at
9:00 PM
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