Better living through ergonomics
Since my injury was caused by one-hand over-use of a touchpad (during evacuation), now that I am back at my desktop computer, I have found a partial solution by switching to a mouse I can use with my non-dominant hand, and I am using the keyboard whenever I can. I am continuing to use cold packs and raise my arm whenever possible. My arm is healing again.
Healing is good. Continue... :)
Anonymous, at
4:24 AM
Have you tried anti inflammatories, the non-steroids like naprosyn or ibuprofen? They usually work pretty well as does plain on everyday asprin. I find that a few days of one of these drugs does wonders to heal the inflammed joint, tendon, bursa, or anyother soft tissue damage. The only thing is long term use might cause upset stomach or bleeding, more so with the asprin than the other two. The cold pack is good too. Since I have had rhematoid arthritis my entire above 12-years-old-life, I know about inflammation. I say take the meds but also rotate between cold and hot packs. That is the key, rotation. Hope you get to feeling better.
zelda1, at
6:17 AM
I'm taking ibuprofen.
I generally rotate warm and cold, but my understanding is that with this particular injury, cold is better.
Diane, at
9:22 AM
Diane, I know I got carpal tunnel from using the trackpad of my laptop. The numbness and pain finally went away after two months of continually wearing a brace. However, if I don't wear it when using a computer, even with a mouse, my wrist immediately starts to hurt. You may try getting one, if that's your problem. I think they have them at drugstores (I got mine at the doctor's office, where including all kinds of horrible electric shock tests, it ended up costing about $500). It looks incredibly lame, but at least I can sleep without thinking I'm going to have to get my hand cut off.
Anonymous, at
5:33 PM
I have no pain in my wrist--just in my upper forearm, but I know it's an rm problem. It was almost totally healed and I screwed it up, not so much from using the computer but from doing housework.
I'm going on vacation soon and I think that will give it the rest it needs. But I'll keep the wrist brace in mind--good to know.
Diane, at
8:10 PM
Diane, I'm glad you're taking ibuprofen and switching to mousing w/ the other hand. Rest, rest, rest, is the only prescription, as I've been told. Sorry to hear about your pain. I hope you heal soon! And enjoy your vacation!
Anonymous, at
9:02 PM
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