Sunday, September 25, 2005

You don't have to be "far left" to make sense, but maybe it helps

"In the world of the far left, it is now acceptable to accuse a president and vice president and sending young Americans to Iraq to be killed and maimed, so their friends at Halliburton can make money. And anyone who supports the Iraq strategy is also guilty of sending kids to die and is a coward to boot."
Bill O'Reilly


He's wrong about the last line, and that's where the emotional manipulation of the paragraph lies. "They judge you!"
Of course it's meant to make people who support the war feel attacked and defensively dig in their heels.

Your blog is lovely, and I'm about to scoot around and see what I can learn about the fight for animal rights; I came over here following a comment I saw in the Heretik's archives tonight; this refreshing quote by yourself I presume:

"I agree that women, for the most part, do not want to be "disliked." Is this the result of social training? Of course it is, but at some point, women need to kick social training in the ass and be themselves."

Damn straight.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:42 AM  

Thanks! Come by any time.

By Blogger Diane, at 11:04 AM  

I'm still laughing about Phil Donahue kickin' some O'Reilly ass last week. I think that was the last I ever really need to see of O'Reilly; I like to remember his juvenile display of impotent rage and spittin' anger. So very entertaining!

By Blogger Unknown, at 4:12 PM  

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