Thinking like Falwell and Robertson
I've decided to look at the world from the point of view of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and their ilk. It's really not that hard to do, and the conclusion is clear to me: Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama because of their legacy of lynching, obstructing voter rights, forcing black students to attend terrible schools, denying multiple civil rights to gay citizens, and promoting sexism via the Southern Baptist Convention.
Works for me.
Works for me.
Pinky, at
3:57 PM
Sing it, sister!
Anonymous, at
5:47 PM
Diane, this is actually more likely than the theory the idjits like to put forth. If the hurricane wasn't caused by God, maybe some of the God-throws-weather-at-us crowd would like to consider that the clean-up, racial reconciliation, and community unity could be inspired by some of the words in the Good Book.
Anonymous, at
1:08 AM
That's brilliant! How about adding our non commitment to energy conservation which contributed to global warning (a possible cause of Katrina along with god's wrath) or how about adding corporate greed which helped lead to poverty along with God's wrath!)Or maybe God is angry at the overwhelming ignorance of the religious right.
Anonymous, at
1:35 PM
oakleyses, at
1:35 AM
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