Don't forget the Virtual Vigil tonight
The Virtual Vigil for Cindy Sheehan--for those who cannot attend actual vigils--will be held here tonight, beginning at around 7:30 p.m. CST. Bring comments, poems, prayers, quotations, donations (instrutions will be available), or anything else you would like to share. If you attend an actual vigil, feel free to post a report or leave a link. If you send me a photo of your vigil, I will post it. The transcript of the virtual vigil will be sent to Cindy Sheehan.
In the meantime, if you are going to a vigil, you can download a beautiful graphic from The Heretik, and you can also download a window sign here.
Thank you, Diane, for joining DED Space in the wide circle of solidarity 'round the nation tonight, raising our collective intentions to the ideal of peace in our country. Let's be lovers, not fighters: manifesting peace one person at a time, starting with ourselves. Staying calm and generating love, we can change the chemistry of any situation. –DS
By Anonymous, at 8:52 PM
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