Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Clint Black latest c&w stooge for Bush and Cheney

Following an "America Supports Your Freedom" Walk from the Pentagon to the National Mall on September 11, Clint Black will perform a concert to commemorate the event's 4th anniversary. According to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the march will remind people of "the sacrifices of this generation and of each previous generation."

Bring it on. I want to know about the sacrifices of George W. Bush, a man with fake military credentials and a work record consisting of--well, nothing. Unless you count being governor of Texas, and there probably was a certain amount of labor involved in making sure the Texas environment was properly destroyed within the given time limit.

"America Supports Your Freedom." Fortunately, I can't stand Clint Black, so I don't have to worry about missing a concert that has nothing to do with me. Because this America most certainly does not support my freedom. I am a woman. I am a liberal. I am a civil libertarian. I am a non-Christian. I am not wealthy.

And my freedom may indeed be threatened by the hatred stirred up by the ignorant, amoral embarrassment who is living in the White House.


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