Saturday, August 06, 2005

48% of Americans too stupid to live

Thanks to those Tennessee Guerilla Women for pointing me toward this new poll, which indicates that 48% of Americans think Bush is honest. I guess I'm one of those half-empty people, but I don't see this as something to sing about.

Half of America thinks Bush is honest.

The same Bush who committed insider trading before he was elected. The same Bush who covered John McCain (for whom I have no sympathy) with garbage during the South Carolina primary. The same Bush whose Texas friend moved to Virginia, bought the Florida voter rolls, and tampered with them before the Florida primary.

The same Bush who has told so many lies we need a calculator to keep up with them.

The same Bush who has surrounded himself with traitors, liars, conspirators, and human rights violators.

The same Bush who vows to protect America, but whose pals have included both the Taliban and the House of Saud.

I would love to invite 48% of Americans over and sell them that proverbial piece of Florida swampland, complete with Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris.


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