Monday, July 18, 2005

"Our beef is with a government that houses and feeds and tries to hide terrorists."

That is what George W. Bush said when he ordered the invasion of Afghanistan. However, he did not order an invasion of Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or, for that matter, North Carolina, where citizens aided Eric Rudolph in his flight from justice. Whether selling Run, Rudolph, Run T-shirts or organizing the Eric Rudolph Legal Defense Fund, the people in and around Murphy, North Carolina stood by the man who bombed a clinic, a gay bar, and the Atlanta Olympics.

Rudolph, who received two consecutive life sentences without parole today, killed two people and injured 150 in four separate explosions. His protectors in North Carolina could not understand why this "good Christian man" was being harrassed by the government.

Rudolph is a Christian terrorist. Say it again. Say it loud and say it clear. Tell everyone with whom you speak that a Christian terrorist was sentenced to life in prison today. Keep saying it until people hear the words in their heads.


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