Saturday, July 16, 2005

Abusers invade their runaway victims' village and try to destroy it

This is a story about what happens when women decide not to be victims anymore: They become victims.


Oh No! I blogged about this village a week or two ago, and I ranted about the menfolk acting like little pissy babies about the women doing this.

This shows that men just can't stand not being the center of attention, 24/7/365.

By Blogger aeonsomnia, at 1:31 PM  

I don't know if it's so much a clear-cut case of "they become victims" as "expect men to step-up their abuse". That holds true for the West as well. That doesn't mean the women are victims, what they've accomplished so far is extraordinary. And this piece of news being picked up by the news media may result in pressure being put on local law enforcers to take action, rather than "turn a blind eye".

It ain't over yet.

By Blogger Sour Duck, at 3:08 PM  

It is a damn good thing they have gotten media attention. Maybe that might actually save them from disaster.

I couldn't help but enjoy reading the parts about how successful they are and how pathetic the men are. Not 'cause I hate men or anything, I just hate THOSE men. And, obviously, they can't live without the industrious women they ran off in the first place.

I truly hope nothing worse happens to them, but I do imagine that even if they continue to be attacked they will somehow persevere and thrive. They have already done it and they know how.

By Blogger Unknown, at 5:16 PM  

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