Sunday, June 19, 2005

Then hustles off into the grass


Are these just a' roamin' around wild and free? Cute!

By Blogger Sour Duck, at 10:47 PM  

Yeah, I saw it out my home office window and went out to visit and take some photos.

We get a box turtle now and then, but a couple of years ago, we got a very large turtle of some kind that dug a nest and laid eggs in our front yard.

By Blogger Diane, at 10:59 PM  

Wow! These are great. That box turtle is so cute!

By Blogger Unknown, at 12:09 PM  

DED, I would so much rather have that cute box turtle visitor than our GARGANTUAN scary spider visitors! Eeeeeekk! You have a veritable menagerie in your backyard. Obviously, it's a great garden for all our animal friends.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:32 PM  

We even have a "big foot" we can't identify. I thought it was a deer, but it hasn't eaten anything in the garden, so I don't know. It comes by only at night.

15 or so years ago, there were a lot of deer around here. They still wander around near the highway sometimes, I'm told. It is so over-developed that they have nowhere to go. We get rabbits and possums and raccoons, and I've counted about 2 dozens species of birds, though some have been one-time visitors.

By Blogger Diane, at 10:26 PM  

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