Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The liberal media is at it again

NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox have all refused to air a spot produced by advocacy group USAction. The spot, which opposes the Bush administration's so-called tort reform plans, has been turned down because it violates network standards for advertising about controversial issues. It was scheduled to have aired right before the State of the Union address.

We have heard this before. The major networks also declined to air MoveOn.org and PETA spots during the Super Bowl because they do not accept "advocacy advertising."

Bear in mind that all advertising is "advocacy advertising." Bear in mind that these same networks accept enough "advocacy" advertising to buy a European country during election periods, including ads that are total fabrications. And they also run advocacy ads for the so-called war on drugs on behalf of the White House, as well as ads promoting the White House Medicare program.

So advocacy ads from the Bush administraton are fine, for some reason, but advocacy ads from those opposing Bush are not allowed. There is no one to police this mess, since the FCC also works for the White House.

CNN, by the way, is running USAction's ad. The other networks need to be flooded with emails and faxes.


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