Steve Harvey is going to get a lot of email, and I can't wait
The return of fur as an acceptable clothing accessory has been one of the most discouraging developments of the last few years. This morning, on the Ellen Degeneres Show, comic and radio personality Steve Harvey bragged about his wife's mink coat and put down animal rights activists. This was probably a bit uncomfortable for Ellen, who appears to be somewhat interested in animal rights. She agreed with him that tossing red paint at fur-wearers was inappropriate (he threatened to kill anyone who threw paint at his wife), and then quickly changed the subject.
Ellen is protecting her fame and wealth, at the expense of her principles. She is a well-known passionate animal rights activist, unless it conflicts with the bland, squeaky-clean persona she hides behind on TV. I daresay that Rosie O'Donnell and even Oprah would have shown more backbone than Ellen, when faced with an on-air opportunity to contradict the outspoken hostility of a guest who thought he could get away with making such aggressive, vindictive statements. She LET him get away with it (quick, change the subject). Ellen's probably afraid of being labelled as a liberal. Have you noticed how, on her show, she never even intimates that she's a lesbian?
Anonymous, at
4:45 PM
I've heard Ellen make several jokes about her lesbianism on the show. The jokes are subtle, like all of her jokes, but the audience gets them.
She also talks a lot about eating meat. Who can tell about Ellen?
And sadly, there has been a campaign for some time about Oprah on this same issue. She has promoted fur on her show by having fashion shows that include fur coats and accessories. I don't know if she finally bent to pressure from animals rights viewers; I don't watch her show much.
I think most people are afraid to make an animal rights stand because the cause is still considered "fringe." Of course, it wouldn't be thought of that way if people with large audiences would speak up.
Diane, at
7:09 PM
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