Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Maybe he could insert it under the 10 Commandments

Mac Holcomb, sheriff of Marshall County, Alabama made the intelligent decision that one of the things he should post on the official Sheriff's website was a statement about how nice it was in the 50's when homosexuals were considered an "abomination." It is interesting that no one in the entire government of Alabama asked him to take the gay-bashing material down. Finally, a gay resident of Anniston wrote to say how offended he was.

Holcomb's response? He refused to remove the statement, but has since transferred it to his personal website. The man who complained has since received hate mail.

If you would like to correspond with Sheriff Holcomb about his desire to return to the days when men were men, women were beaten, and a bunch of people were in the closet, you may do so at