Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Lord be with you

I don't see how you can be president—at least from my perspective, how you can be president, without a relationship with the Lord.
From the mouth of George W. Bush, who, in reality, doesn't see how you can be president without stealing the election and telling outrageous lies to constituents.

So who is this "Lord" who condones theft, lying, cheating, the suppression of civil rights, the appointment of criminals to high office, the rape of the environment, the suppression of poor women and children, and the capricious blowing up of another country? Oh, wait! I know...it's the same "Lord" Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and James Dobson talk about all the time. The one who hates women, gays, and people who are not white. The Lord has been very active in America lately, sticking it to liberals, feminists, environmentalists, homosexuals, and anyone who dares to think or to exercise the First Amendment. The Lord probably needs another day of rest by now.

The lying idiot in the White House has pledged to open the coffers and throw a lot of money at faith-based organizations. Now that he is in his second term, one might wonder why he still needs to court the religious right, but he has four more years in which he has to destroy social security, appoint right-wing judges, poison the environment for industry, ruin what's left of the healthcare system, and maybe bomb some more countries. He needs his base to stand behind him.

It appears that serious Christians are never going to stand up and confront Bush's exploitation of their religion, of which he and his ilk have made a total mockery. A relationship with the Lord, my ass. Bush, through his behavior, spits on anything resembling true religion, but he gets away with that, too. What a country.