Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Die Frauleiterin talks back

Die Frauleiterin Dees is trying to play the same woman=victim card that was so successfully used by man-haters during the so-called Tailhook 'scandal'. Dees takes it for granted that we're supposed to have neo-Victorian attitudes about all women being pure and too angelic to be interested in that sex stuff the way those icky men are.
I ran across this comment (in a forum) about an essay I published and a letter I received from the hostile poster. I remember the letter, and I answered it out of courtesy, as I answer all letters.

It is disturbing that so many people still don't know the difference between "yes" and "no." If a woman says she is upset about being sexually assaulted, she can't be telling the truth because there is no such thing as sexual assault because we shouldn't have "neo-Victorian" attitudes about women not being interested in sex. Therefore...women are always interested in sex with every man they meet. Therefore...there is no such thing as sexual assault.

Wow. Talk about a fractured syllogism.

When I acknowledged to the poster that, as a woman, I was also disturbed by Clinton's behavior (of course that is the question they always ask, and I have no trouble answering it), this was what he posted:

"As a woman"??? Oh yeah, die Frauleiterin Dees must play the Women Are Morally Superior card and sneak in her hidden premise that no man would be distressed by any wrongful behavior. OTOH, remember how feminists themselves concocted the "one free grope" rule to excuse their first feminist president. Yep, their Gloria leader waved off all distress about clinton's groping, flashing, exploiting, and jumping on women -- "as a woman"!!!
So remarking that because of my gender I was especially disturbed by Clinton's behavior makes me believe that I am morally superior. And I fail to understand the "one free grope" rule about our first feminist president. We have had only one feminist president, in my opinion, and I hardly call Carter's lusting in his heart a "free grope."

It is really frightening to know that we are still living in a society in which a substantial number of people don't think that rape and other sexual assault ever takes place. The Tailhook events were horrific, despite the opinions of misogynist forum posters and governors of Minnesota. And, as we learned (and knew all along), they were the tip of the iceberg. And no matter what the brass say, the problem of sexual assault in the military doesn't go away. As it doesn't go away on campuses, in the workplace, and in churches. Reading the opinions in the above-mentioned forum makes it obvious why.