Monday, November 08, 2004

Where's Mama Gump when you need her?

On election night, one of the cable networks interviewed a Bush voter, whose words keep reverberating in my head. He said something to the effect of: "A lot of us don't like the way Iraq is being handled and we aren't too sure about several of his policies, but we're sick and tired of being called 'stupid' by liberals. That's why we voted for Bush."

Talk about your non sequitur.

When I worked in a hospital and did groups with alcohol- and drug-dependent patients, one of the therapists was fond of saying to them, "Okay, I'll show you--I'll hurt me!" If that's what's going on here, then why aren't liberals voting against their own interests because they're sick and tired of conservatives calling them "unAmerican" and "wackos"? Maybe because they're not stupid enough? Just a thought.

I'm not sure how stupid these conservatives are, but I know there is a lot of ignorance involved. These voters refuse to learn about Bush's record as governor of Texas, which is one of corruption, corporate greed, and environmental rape. They don't want to learn about the Bush family's ties to the Saudi royals, and the international implications of that relationship. They can't be bothered to find out how their own children are being poisoned by Bush's environmental "policy." They can't name one way they would be harmed if a gay couple got married. And they don't know the difference between an average and a median, so they think the tax break is helping a lot of people.

The really sad part is that many so-called "moderates" don't know these things, either. And the mainstream news media, which has operated under the control of the White House since 2000, isn't going to tell them. Walk into a coffee shop and try to start a converation about PNAC or Sibel Edmonds and check out the blank faces around you. I don't have a problem with the national preoccupaton with values--bring it on, I say. But be prepared to listen to some grisly stories about the most immoral White House of all time.