Sunday, November 07, 2004

Voting in Florida

In Dixie County, Florida, there are 12, 887 registered voters, and over 69% of them are Democrats, yet--surprise!--Kerry received 2,180 votes there, and Bush received 7,738. In Dixie County, there are 4,988 voters, over 77% of whom are Democrats, and while Kerry received 1,959 votes there, Bush received 4,433.

There were other counties in Florida with similar, dramatic discrepancies, and all of them utilized machines that used optical scanners.

When you add this information to the wide gap between the results of the exit polls and the alleged results of actual voting, you are led to conclude that--wait, let me think--oh, I know--that votes may have been stolen in Florida. Imagine that. According to Congressional candidate Jeff Fisher, a Floridian, a similar "arrangement" was made in 2002 to assure Jeb Bush that he would be running against Bill McBride, not Janet Reno.

And I know you're all sick of hearing about this on television.


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