Saturday, November 27, 2004

Drop it from planes, I say

Thanks to feministe for making me aware of Shut the Fuck Up, or How to act better in meetings, a guide for feminist men, but please don't hesitate to show it to everyone.

There should probably be a companion piece for women, Speak Up, Damn It. Many women (and some men) are not naturally assgressive in group situations which require a certain amount of aggression. Watch the TV talk shows (well, only if you need to induce nausea), and the women just sit while the men yell and interrupt. The hosts rarely intervene. The yelling and interrupting behavior (which, I should add, we also see in some women) is just plain rude, but it attracts viewers. On the other hand, sitting there like a table decoration when you have something to say is stupid.

In professional situations, the dynamics, of course, are usually more subtle, as Dan Spalding points out in his handy guide. But the outcome is the same.