Saturday, October 02, 2004

Find out what it means to me

Yesterday, Bill O'Reilly announced that Senator Joe Biden and former Senator Bob Dole would never again be guests on The Factor because they were showed no respect to the program's staff. I have no idea what happened, and it doesn't take much stretch of the imagination to imagine either Biden or Dole behaving rudely, but that's hardly the point.

O'Reilly's preaching respect for others is a laugh riot. This is the man who walked out of the studio while Terry Gross was interviewing him on Fresh Air. The man who decried name-calling, and then immediately called his guest an idiot. The man who yelled "Shut up! Shut up!" to Jeremy Glick, whose father had just been killed in the September 11 attacks.

Now Biden and Dole have been taught a lesson, and can never again enjoy the privilege of having an on-air chat with a hypocritical thug. You have to feel for them.