Monday, February 02, 2004

Until a few years ago, I admired Senator John Kerry. He has been consistent in his fights for civil rights, women's rights and the environment. But then something went wrong: He voted for No Child Left Behind, the ironically-named Patriot Act, and the Iraq war resolution--three of the worst ideas to be presented to Congress in the last decade.

He voted for these bills when he should have been shouting at the top of his lungs that they would destroy the idea of a free and progressive America.

Now he is the front-runner in the race for the Democratic Party nomination. He is being rewarded by Democrats for his support of the White House.

And in case we don't get the message that he is part of that White House gestalt, he is running a Bush-like testosterone-fueled image campaign. Kerry on a motorcycle, Kerry on the hockey rink, Kerry killing some animals, Kerry in the Vietnam jungles.

At a time when America should be doing its best to support the candidacy of women and minorities, it is madly in love with "manly" white men. They can hunt, they can kill, they can do sports--America can kick your butt. Hurray for America, testosterone headquarters of the world.

Kerry is a bigger disappointment every day.