Friday, October 17, 2003

So now we know why they call him "Rush."

One would expect the dittoheads to spin Limbaugh's drug addiction into a sob story, which they have, but it is the news media who is pitiful. They can't even get the words "drug addiction" to form on their lips. He is "addicted to prescription pain medication," they keep telling us.

First of all, addiction to pain medication brings about exactly the same results as addiction to any other opioid. Beyond that, however, it wasn't the prescription medication that made him deaf, got him zonked out of his mind, and turned him into a criminal. It was the thousands of illegal "prescription" pain pills he bought that did that.

But the talking heads don't want to mention that. Courtney Love OD'd, and that's because she suffers from "drug addiction," but Limbaugh is "seeking treatment for "prescription pain medication."

That old liberal media strikes again.


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