Tuesday, November 05, 2002

A low voter turnout is expected today, even lower than for most midterm elections. It doesn't take a great mind to figure out why: thousands of people have no interest in government, and thousands more don't understand why they should take the trouble to make a selection among a group of candidates for whom they feel neither trust nor enthusiasm.

Of course, there is a Big Question that will be determined by today's voting:

What did Florida do to screw up this time?

Fooled you, didn't I?

However, now that I've mentioned it, the scariest part of this election is the possibilty that the White House will get enough control to appoint some judges and justices who will make Clarence Thomas look almost moderate, if not competent. There has already been enough damage done by the Supreme Court, but it could get much, much worse. If you are an employee, a woman, gay, a person of color, handicapped, someone who is fond of free speech, an academic; or if you happen to breathe the air, eat the food, and drink the water--take heed. You could be in danger.


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